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After hours client Feeling like you can never switch off?...You're not alone
After hours client

Feeling like you can never switch off? You're not alone.

Criminal lawyers get urgent calls 24/7, and family lawyers often sacrifice their own family time to deal with client matters. Reclaim your time with an after-hours phone answering service.

After hours female receptionist

After-Hours Answering Service

With an after-hours answering service for lawyers you can

  • Support your clients 24/7
  • Qualify leads around-the clock
  • Onboard new clients day and night
  • Stay informed with real-time notifications
  • Get more time to focus on billable work
Get started today

You're a lifeline for your clients. Let us be your lifeline.

Manuelita portrait

Account Executive

Seamless integration
with tools lawyers need.

  • Client contacts

    Clio logo

    Simplify the caller-to-client journey. LEX agents answer your calls and qualifies your leads with all information appearing instantly in your Clio account.

  • Client information

    Mycase logo

    LEX integrates with Mycase to keep all of your client details and documents up-to-date and in one location, from the very first call.

  • Automation

    Lawmatics logo

    Let LEX handle your client intake, while Lawmatics takes care of automation, document management, and more.

Giving More Time.

With your support, LEX Reception plants a tree for every customer, every month.

Forest banner image

A book
worth your

With LEX, you get precious
hours back. How you spend
them is up to you.

Four thousand weeks book

Four Thousand Weeks

Oliver Burkeman

A human life lasts an average 4,000 weeks. This book shows you how to make every one of them count.