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Powerful Integrations.

smiling lawyer wearing glassesExplore all our integrations

      Similar integrations

        Integration request.

        We're constantly adding new integrations based on our client's request.

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        We have received your integration request and will be in touch.

        Popular integrations

        Don't see your preferred tech on our integrations list?

        It's simple.

        We adapt to your software flow. There's no need to change your settings. Messages can be assigned as Leads, Cases or Tasks based on your rules.

        • The Jacob Law Firm website

          Marc Jacob

          The Jacob Law Firm

          Marc Jacob portrait

          LEX Reception offers full integration to streamline the delivery of information and leads. Potential clients hear back from us much faster because LEX Reception uses the integration properly.

        • Grafton Firm website

          Kelly Grafton

          Grafton Firm

          Kelly Grafton portrait

          The Keap integration works great. New leads automatically show up in the database, are tagged, and ready for follow up.

        A book
        worth your

        With LEX, you get precious
        hours back. How you spend
        them is up to you.

        Four thousand weeks book

        Four Thousand Weeks

        Oliver Burkeman

        A human life lasts an average 4,000 weeks. This book shows you how to make every one of them count.