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Lex & Clio


Client intake synced to your Clio account.

How it works

How it works.

When LEX Reception and Clio join forces, a powerful partnership keeps
your database of client intake, case data, client documents, billing,
and appointments up-to-date automatically.

Lex Reception

New message

Your LEX receptionist answers your call and takes a message.

Dotted line arrow pointing rightDotted line arrow pointing bottom

New activity

A new activity is created.

Why integrate LEX Reception and Clio?

Clio desktop app
  • Eliminate manual data entry

    Data entry

    Streamline your workflow and give more time to your team. LEX agents add all the details you need as the call happens, appearing in Clio seconds later.

  • Automatic updates

    Automatic Updates

    When new information or client concerns come to light, find it ready in the relevant case automatically.

  • Client documents in seconds

    Secure Chat Icon

    With all your case documents securely stored in the cloud with Clio, LEX Reception can add new documents to open cases seamlessly.

We're passionate about helping law
firms stay connected to their

Brianna portrait

Senior Account Executive

Connect in 3 easy steps.

    • 1
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    • 3

    Choose your integration

    Find the Clio integration under Advanced Settings in your LEX app.

    • 1
    • 2
    • 3

    Log in to activate

    Activate your integration by logging in with Clio - our team will guide you through.

    • 1
    • 2
    • 3

    Get your time back

    You're good to go. Clio and LEX Reception are now working together giving you more time for what matters.

Activate your integration

Book an appointment with the team today to add an integration to your LEX account.

Book an appointment


  • Don’t worry, we’re always exploring new integrations and adding to our list of compatible CRMs and apps. You can reach out to our support team here and we will help get your software connected.

  • It may be a simple configuration issue with either your LEX or Clio account. Please contact our support team here and we will get you back on track.

  • Simply contact our support team here and we will deactivate it for you.

  • We can do this for you — contact our support team here and we will connect LEX to your new Clio account for you.

Giving More Time.

With your support, LEX Reception plants a tree for every customer, every month.

Wood banner image

A book
worth your

With LEX, you get precious
hours back. How you spend
them is up to you.

Four thousand weeks book

Four Thousand Weeks

Oliver Burkeman

A human life lasts an average 4,000 weeks. This book shows you how to make every one of them count.