LEX Reception Blog.

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  • polar bear research and education
    Giving Back

    Giving for Polar Bear research and education

    LEX Reception is on a mission to hear more. Listening to species in need led us to the Canadian Polar Bear Habitat, a non-profit committed to polar bear research and education.

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    by Amy Macrae 2 min read
  • elephant habitats
    Giving Back

    Giving back: Protecting elephant habitats

    In February 2021, we upheld our commitment to hear more of those in need by supporting the World Wide Fund for Nature’s work with elephants across the globe.

    author profile
    by Amy Macrae 2 min read
  • LEX expert Alicia
    Meet Your Team

    Meet a LEX Expert: Alicia

    We’re very excited to introduce Alicia, a CX Associate and Dedicated Representative. As a Dedicated Representative, Alicia’s job is a little different, and she was eager to talk about why having a dedicated relationship is so rewarding.

    author profile
    by Bambi Butler 3 min read
  • great customer experience
    Business Tips

    How to create a memorable client experience

    The secret to crafting a positive and memorable client experience is simple. It's communication. Here are our six tips to help you deliver an impressive client experience from start to finish.

    author profile
    by Brianna Quiroga 5 min read
  • law firm kpis
    Business Tips

    5 Growth KPIs Your Law Firm Should Track

    Growth will be a key aim for many firms going into 2021. Have you updated your law firm KPIs to reflect this?

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    by Bambi Butler 6 min read
  • Female Receptionist
    Business Tips

    How To Choose a Phone Answering Service For Lawyers?

    A phone answering service for lawyers can be a huge time-save. How can you tell which phone answering service works best for your firm? Check out our list of the key features to consider.

    author profile
    by Enarosa Aguirre 6 min read
  • legal intake
    Business Tips

    How to Handle Legal Intake like a Professional

    Legal intake isn't easy. Our receptionists are legal intake professionals. Here are our best tips for legal intake to help you capture and impress every new lead.

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    by Manuelita Sandoval 4 min read
  • penguin research
    Giving Back

    Giving back: Penguin research with Oceanites

    For our commitment to wildlife conservation, we have chosen an organization that has been doing amazing work in penguin research: Oceanites.

    author profile
    by Amy Macrae 3 min read

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