Giving Back.

Gavel and books

Top picks.

  • international rhino foundation
    Giving Back

    International Rhino Foundation: Training Rangers

    From only 100 individuals left, the greater one-horned rhino has bounced back. Discover how IRF is protecting rhinos in India and how we can help.

    author profile
    by Amy Macrae 5 min read
  • Red Panda
    Giving Back

    Red Panda Network: Guardians of the Forest.

    Red pandas are the only species of their kind - but their habitat is vanishing rapidly. Discover how RPN empowers local communities to protect their forests.

    author profile
    by Amy Macrae 4 min read
  • protecting our pollinators
    Giving Back

    Xerces Society: Protecting Our Pollinators.

    We love bumble bees, flying from flower to flower in the summer. But did you know that a quarter of North American bumble bees are facing risk of extinction?

    author profile
    by Amy Macrae 5 min read
  • preserving endangered wolves
    Giving Back

    Wolf Conservation Center: Preserving Endangered Wolves.

    We’re proud to partner with the Wolf Conservation Center to support Mexican gray wolves. Our 1% donation will help them to provide a safe home for breeding pairs.

    author profile
    by Amy Macrae 5 min read
  • hawaii marine animal response
    Giving Back

    Hawaii Marine Animal Response: Saving sea turtles

    We’re supporting critically endangered sea turtles by donating to the Hawaii Marine Animal Response. Their teams rescue thousands of endangered animals every year. Learn more...

    author profile
    by Amy Macrae 5 min read
  • connecting puma habitats
    Giving Back

    Panthera: Connecting Puma Habitats

    In December, we donated 1% to a species close to home, supporting Panthera’s Puma Project to protect these big cats from human conflict and habitat loss.

    author profile
    by Amy Macrae 4 min read
  • sea shepherd
    Giving Back

    Protecting the most endangered marine mammal on Earth.

    Some conservation projects take years to have a tangible impact on the species they are supporting. For other projects, every day is crucial for the survival of the species.  The...

    author profile
    by Amy Macrae 4 min read
  • song thrush
    Giving Back

    Giving back woodland: the song thrush.

    LEX Reception has a pledge – to give back 1% of our revenue to species in need, from the largest to the smallest. In September, we are supporting one of...

    author profile
    by Amy Macrae 3 min read