Introducing an answering service to your law firm’s operations can be game-changing. With a legal answering service, new and existing clients can rely on your firm to always answer the phone and be met with a professional response. But how do you find the right answering service that meets your firm’s expectations and budget? 

Price is an important factor for most law firms when making this decision. However, choosing the cheapest option could mean sacrificing quality or additional features, which may cost you more in the long run. 

Remember, the cost of an answering service is more than the number. It’s about the value the answering service brings to your firm. Here, we compare and contrast popular call answering service price models to help you make a smart investment.

Legal answering service pricing explained

The two primary pricing models used by answering services are pricing-per-call and pricing-per-minute.


The pricing-per-call model is favored by many for its simplicity. You are charged a flat fee every time the phone rings, regardless of whether the call lasts one minute or ten. 

Another advantage of the pricing-per-call model is that it provides enhanced cost predictability. Your law firm can easily calculate monthly costs based on the expected number of calls and the per-call rate charged by the answering service provider. 

The pricing-per-call model also encourages efficiency in call handling. Service providers are paid for each call they handle so they’ll aim to answer the phone quickly. Law firms, therefore, don’t need to worry about missing a call and losing that business to a competitor.

Despite the advantages of this model, there are some areas you should be wary of:

Lack of service quality

Call answering service pricing based on volume seems economical and straightforward at face value. However, the pricing-per-call model often signals a trade-off between service depth and quality. 

Law firms might find the service is geared towards minimizing call duration, focusing on taking messages rather than engaging in detailed client interactions.

Poor lead qualification

Think of a busy law firm inundated with prospective client calls. Under a pricing-per-call model, the answering service is incentivized to keep these calls as short as possible to answer more calls. This approach can reduce the chance of qualifying leads effectively. It also places the burden of follow-up and deeper qualification on the firm’s in-house team, whose time is far more valuable. 

What appears to be a cost-saving upfront can lead to increased internal costs and missed opportunities for meaningful client engagement. 

All calls are billable

It’s important to note some pricing-per-call answering service providers will charge for all incoming calls, including spam calls, hang-ups, and wrong numbers. This could result in inflated costs for firms that receive a large number of such calls.

Scalability issues

Finally, law firms that experience spikes in call volume should be cautious of the pricing-per-call model’s lack of scalability during surges.

Pros and cons of using a pricing-per-call model for legal answering services

Clear pricingAll calls, including wrong numbers, are counted
Easy to forecast costsLess lead qualifying
Ideal for simple callsCan cost your law firm more in the long run
Waste of in-house resources


The pricing-per-minute model is a great option for law firms that want precise cost control. This approach means that you only pay for what you use. Pricing-per-minute is ideal for practices experiencing high variability in call durations, from quick inquiries to lengthy discussions. 

There is a direct relationship between the cost and the quality of service with pricing-per-minute legal call answering services. Law firms gain a transparent understanding of their service usage, which in turn helps them to manage and optimize their service better. You also receive more detailed billing for better analysis. 

Contrary to the limitations of per-call pricing, pricing-per-minute offers a customizable approach. This model allows law firms to design a personalized call flow so the answering service becomes more than just message-taking. 

The receptionists can be trained to ask specific questions to better qualify leads and gather important information. This can help your firm prioritize and follow up on the most promising opportunities. As a result, you can look forward to a higher conversion rate and ultimately, increased revenue for your practice. 

The problem with a pricing-per-minute model is the unpredictable monthly charges. This can make it difficult for law firms to budget effectively.

Pros and cons of using a pricing-per-minute model for legal answering services

Cost-effective for longer callsMore complex pricing structure
Only pay for what you useDifficult to forecast costs
Ideal for detailed conversations

Are LEX Reception’s legal answering service prices competitive?

Your choice of a legal answering service should be based on more than just pricing. Look for features that can improve your firm’s operations. Do you need round-the-clock call handling? Are bilingual operators necessary for your clients? Do you require call screening or appointment scheduling? 

By first identifying your law firm’s needs, you can better compare the true value attached to the price model and find a service that meets your requirements. 

As well as adopting a flexible pricing structure, LEX offers:

24/7 availability

The legal environment operates on urgency and confidentiality. LEX legal call answering service provides day-and-night support so that urgent matters are addressed promptly. 

Bilingual receptionists

LEX receptionists are trained professionals who can handle calls in multiple languages, making it easier for all clients to communicate with your firm. 

Appointment scheduling

Included with the LEX’s answering service is Setmore’s legal calendar software. LEX uses your booking page to schedule and manage all of your appointments while sending automated appointment reminders to reduce no-shows and wasted time.

An answering service that aligns with your firm’s values 

When considering legal answering service pricing, it’s important to prioritize the value. Determine what answering service model aligns best with your call volume, nature of calls, and customization needs. 

By dissecting these two popular pricing models, you can make a decision that supports your firm’s operational needs while respecting financial boundaries. A well-chosen legal answering service is an investment, one that can prevent missed calls, manage overflow, and liberate valuable time for your attorneys to focus on billable tasks. 
To find out more about what’s included with LEX’s answering service for lawyers, schedule a free phone or video consultation with our team today.