Referral Program Terms & Conditions.

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LEX Reception offers a Referral Program to existing Clients. In exchange for the direct and traceable referral of a new prospective Client who becomes an actively paying LEX Reception Client, you will receive an agreed account credit value. The agreed account credit value will be deducted from your bill for the month following the referred party signing up to LEX Reception. The Referred Party will also receive an agreed account credit value off their first month. The credit will be deducted from their overall bill.

Terms and Conditions.

  • Only existing LEX Reception Clients are eligible to participate in the Program as Referring Parties.
  • The agreed account credit value (for both the existing Client and the new prospective Client) will be stipulated at the point of the referral link being generated. This agreed credit value will then be carried through to the referral sign-up process, where it will be applied to both The Referred Party and the existing Client's account, following a successful sign-up by the Referred Party to LEX Reception.
  • LEX Reception reserves the right to make changes to the Program without notice at any point.
  • The agreed account credit value for both the existing Client and the Referred Party is non-fundable and can not be traded for a cash prize.
  • Should a Referred Party cancel their purchase prior to their account going live, LEX Reception will not honor your (as the Referring Party) agreed account credit value.
  • Credits are not transferable and cease upon termination of a Client account without the possibility of reinstatement. Credits are accrued only once per new unique, actively paying Referred Party, and not per service or per product.
  • A Referring Party may not refer themselves, nor may they refer a new location, employee, or owned entity of the same business. Notwithstanding any provision of these terms, we are not obligated to provide any discount to a Referring Party, whose referral results in a new actively paying Client, if we determine, in our sole discretion, that the Referred Party is not a bona fide new Client. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to delay payment of any discounts while we investigate Clients' participation in the Referral Program or any use of referral links, codes, and other mechanisms.
  • Should the Client desire to promote LEX Reception products and services to their clients, peers, friends, family, and other individuals and businesses, in promoting LEX Reception, the Client agrees that they shall not use or permit any person or entity to use LEX Reception's trademarks, service marks, product marks, and any other branded graphics or logos (collectively, the "Marks") without the prior written consent of LEX Reception. All requests to use LEX Reception Marks must be directed to
  • No promotional activity by Clients aimed at generating prospective Clients of LEX Reception shall create any association, joint venture, partnership, or agency relationship of any kind between LEX Reception and its Clients. Clients are not authorized to act, or incur any liability, obligation, or expense, on behalf of LEX Reception. Further, Clients may not represent that they are in the business of providing, selling, soliciting, or effecting the products and/or services provided by LEX Reception.