More Time.

With your help, we're donating 1% to protect endangered species.

Mother monkey with her baby monkeyEvery second counts

The future of humanity and indeed all life on earth depends on us.

- Sir David Attenborough

Every second counts.

More time for people and the planet.

LEX is giving more time to animals at risk of extinction by supporting vital wildlife projects around the world. With your help, we donate 1% every month to a wide range of projects that are committed to protecting the most vulnerable species.

Supporting endangered species.

From forensic tracking to doubling the tiger population, take a look at the projects and animals we've supported so far.

Rainforest Concern


Rainforest Concern.

LEX is delighted to twin it's Scottish forest with protected land in Ecuador, with Rainforest concern.

  • Earthjustice

    Wildlife and Ecosystems

    Wildlife and Ecosystems.

    LEX Reception is proud to support Earthjustice in its use of the law to defend people and the planet.




    TRACE was founded in 2006 to protect precious wildlife by supporting forensic science in wildlife conservation.

  • Scottish Wildlife Trust



    The Scottish Wildlife Trust has a number of flagship projects to help pollinators and their habitats thrive.

  • International Rhino Foundation



    We could lose the world’s rhinos within our lifetime. LEX annual partner International Rhino Foundation strives to keep the five rhino species alive, and is raising awareness of their plight on 5/5.

  • Birdlife International



    BirdLife International is entering a second year of collaborating with LEX Reception to protect endangered shorebirds that migrate across the Americas.

  • Rainforest Conern

    Howler Monkeys

    Howler Monkeys.

    Rainforest Concern is an annual Giving Back partner of LEX, so when we heard that the nonprofit’s team member Katherine was visiting Ecuador, we couldn’t wait to find out more.

  • Hawai’i Marine Animal Response

    Monk Seals

    Monk Seals.

    Over the coming year, Hawai’i Marine Animal Response will check in with news of their vital work during Hawaiian monk seal pupping season and seabird fallout season and about their sea turtle nesting surveys.

  • Nature Canada

    Boreal Caribou

    Boreal Caribou.

    Over 400,000 hectares of Caribou habitat is destroyed each year. We are proud to support Nature Canada’s work to protect the forests and the Boreal Caribou who live there.

  • Friends of Birdlife

    Red Knots

    Red Knots.

    The red knot is a beloved visitor to our US shores, but their populations are declining quickly. By partnering with Birdlife, our donation will conserve key habits and food sources for migratory birds across the USA.

  • Wildlife SOS



    In India, millions live in close proximity to endangered species, and this can put everyone at risk. We are proud to support Wildlife SOS’s rescue hotline, helping to protect humans and animals from conflict.

  • African Wildlife Foundation

    African Elephants

    African Elephants.

    African elephants should dominate the landscape, but they are consistently killed by poachers. We are proud to partner with AWF to provide judicial training for those involved in elephant conservation.

  • Rainforest Concern

    Spectacled Bears

    Spectacled Bears.

    Ecuador is home to more than 2500 endangered species. We donated to support their groundbreaking legal work, protecting key habitats from mining using the rights of nature.

  • Whale and Dolphin Conservation

    Right Whales

    Right Whales.

    Our Atlantic coast neighbors, the right whales, need our help. There are fewer than 340 individuals left. That’s why we’re proud to donate to WDC to support their engagement and policy work.

  • International Rhino Foundation

    Indian Rhinos

    Indian Rhinos.

    Last year, we were proud to support the IRF in delivering legal training for forest rangers in South Africa. This month, our donation will provide up to five training courses run for park guards and law enforcement in India.

  • Red Panda Network

    Red Pandas

    Red Pandas.

    Red panda numbers have declined by 50% in the last 20 years. Our donation will sponsor training and pay for Forest Guardians: locals who monitor and protect key red panda habitats and use their knowledge to educate their community.

  • Xerces Society

    Bumble Bees

    Bumble Bees.

    A quarter of all North American bumble bees are facing extinction risks. Our support for Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation will help to survey existing populations and promote habitat creation.

  • Wolf Conservation Center



    By giving back to the Wolf Conservation Center, we support the breeding and reintroduction of critically endangered Mexican Gray Wolves through the Species Survival Plan.

  • Hawaii Marine Animal Response

    Hawksbill Turtles

    Hawksbill Turtles.

    Our support will help the HMAR team respond to threatened sea turtles and other protected marine species across Hawaii's islands.




    Also known as cougars or mountain lions, pumas were almost eliminated from the eastern half of the US. Our donation will support their Olympic Cougar Project, helping to monitor populations and promote co-existence with local communities.

  • Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

    Asian Sharks

    Asian Sharks.

    We gave back to the Sea Shepherd team, sponsoring their patrols to catch illegal fishing operations targeting sharks in Southeast Asia.

  • Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

    Vaquita Porpoises

    Vaquita Porpoises.

    Our donation will support the Sea Shepherds in their mission to remove illegal fishing gear to protect the remaining ten vaquita.

  • Scottish Wildlife Trust

    Song Thrushes

    Song Thrushes.

    With our clients, we will support the Scottish Wildlife Trust's woodland habitat restoration, creating homes for Red List Species like the song thrush on the doorstep of our Aberfoyle hub.

  • Wildlife SOS

    Asian Elephants

    Asian Elephants.

    LEX's donation will help to provide a comfortable and safe home for rescued elephants by expanding their elephant.

  • Panthera



    We supported Panthera's Tigers Forever program, with the aim of increasing tiger numbers by 50% across key sites through anti-poaching technology

  • International Rhino Foundation



    With the International Rhino Foundation, we helped to fund legal training for rangers to bring poachers to justice in the courts.

  • Gorilla Doctors

    Mountain Gorillas

    Mountain Gorillas.

    LEX's donation will provide equipment for Gorilla Doctors to bring veterinary care to ill and injured gorillas in the wild.

  • Shark Research Institute



    LEX sponsored the Shark Research Institute to advocate for increased shark protections at a global conference.

  • Canadian Polar Bear Habitat

    Polar Bears

    Polar Bears.

    Through our donation, LEX supported the Canadian Polar Bear Habitat's educational programs for communities living alongside wild bears.

  • World Wide Fund For Nature

    African Elephants

    African Elephants.

    LEX and our clients championed elephant protection in Africa, helping to preserve habitats and reduce poaching.

  • Oceanites



    Our giving will help Oceanites research penguin populations in the Antarctic, to understand the impact of climate change.

  • Wolf Conservation Center



    With seven red wolves left in the wild, our donation to the Wolf Conservation Center will support their breeding program.

Lifelong Learning.

Learning, sharing, and giving
back are our core values. Here
is a book worth your time.

Four thousand weeks book

Four Thousand Weeks

Oliver Burkeman

The average human life
consists of 4,000 weeks. This book explores how to make every week count.